Title: Three is Not a Crowd
Authors: Lily Velden, Asta Idonea, Eric Gober, Alina Popescu, Kay Ellis, L.V. Lloyd, Eddy LeFey, Aimee Brissay, Rian Durant
Publisher: Wayward Ink Publishing
Genre: Gay Romance
Why would anyone think three was a crowd?
No. No. No. No. No.
Three is a triangle…
and did you know it’s the strongest geometrical shape?
All the best things come in threes…
Musketeers, primary colors, three-ringed circuses, stooges, blind mice, little pigs. The list goes on.
Of course they say trouble comes in three too…
but we won’t go there… or will we?
**giggle** There’s three sheets to the wind.
And **sigh… drool** there’s three piece suits.
And trust us, it’s no coincidence that there are three ingredients in a BLT.
Or only three elements to the game Rock, Paper, Scissors.
Want to get physical???
Well, there’s… three-legged races… (what were you thinking?)
Political? Of the people, by the people, for the people.
Or creepy? Hear no evil. Speak no evil. See no evil.
Why, three has so much going for it we don’t even need to mention a…
1………… 2………… 3………… sandwich
(substitute your own dream guys)
And of course, there’s: On your Mark. Get Set. And Go!
So Go! Read the short stories in…
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WIP: http://www.waywardinkpublishing.com/product/three-is-not-crowd-a-wayward-ink-publishing-anthology/
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Amazon UK: http://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B01526M8EM/
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Three Is Not a Crowd Stories:
Brad has a thing about elevators. He’s also had a tough week.
An accidental encounter with Mr. Tall, Dark and Handsome Aiden, and sweet, shy, and innocent Danny, will turn his elevator ‘thing’ into something very B.A.D.
I’m every bit the Everyman.
Or at least I was until I started my current relationship.
You see, there are three of us in this couple: me, my boyfriend, and my boyfriend’s alter ego…
Three college cheerleaders are bound together by unrequited love, secrets, and lies.
That is until dangers on a road trip threaten their lives.
Who will survive?
Plagued by nightmares of a lost twin, David struggles to uncover the truth of his past.
His family insists he never had a brother, enlisting therapist after therapist to cure him.
David’s only happiness is his boyfriend Terry.
Is the dream-visiting twin real?
Or is he a symptom of a mental disorder?
And real or not, will David and Terry’s relationship survive his presence?
Flynn Jacobs is small, eccentric, and neurotic. He’s spent his whole life being ridiculed and bullied.
On a rare night out with work colleagues, Flynn finally meets Riley, a man he has admired from afar.
Riley isn’t looking for anything special. His boyfriend Mitch is out of town and Riley is bored. Shy Flynn is a challenge. He’s meant to be a one night stand but Riley finds he likes Flynn more than he should…
What will happen when Mitch returns from his business trip?
Richard believed his friendship with Laura was based around their passion for writing.
He didn’t realise he was falling in love with her, until it was too late.
After all, how could he possibly be falling in love with Laura, when he still loved Bill?
Malcolm has a decision to make.
His two best friends, Jack and Thomas, have just given him a very interesting proposal to mull over.
His mind, his heart, and his Little Malcolm need to agree.
The decision could change his life forever…
Daniel and Michael go shopping for sex toys.
Michael believes their relationship is complete.
That is, until he lays his eyes on the gorgeous shop owner.
Perhaps things are better in threes…
Chrissie is a very smart Rottweiler who has never shifted until now, enjoying his life as a dog.
What happens when he and his owner, Simon, fall for the same guy?
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