Hello everyone! A
pleasure to be here on the blog of one of my favorite indie authors. And that’s the key word in this exercise:
author. Do I see myself as one? I am more comfortable
saying I am a writer. Am I published? Yes, I self-published some books and
shorts, and I also release gay fiction works through an independent publisher,
Wayward Ink Publishing.
Why am I more comfortable saying I am a writer? Well, cause
being a writer is the fun part. You write your stories and have fun with your
characters. You follow what’s in your mind and heart and enjoy the creative
aspect of your life.
Being an author? Now, that’s the real life thing. It’s like the difference between childhood and
adulthood. You have to worry about editing, publishing, marketing, sales… All
the real life stuff that happens after a story is completed. When you’re an
indie, especially a self-published one, all of that real life stuff is mostly
your responsibility.
Rewarding as it is, it’s still a tough endeavor. You’re
vulnerable and open when you write, then you’re all fun, games, and thick skin
when you take on your author persona. Yet it still is the best thing I ever had
to be! And trust me, I went through a long corporate career before switching to
writing and promoting books. I even was a tech support rep for about a year.
That gives you perspective on a lot of things. Especially interaction with
customers (translated to readers in the case of books).
Does it take special skills to be an indie author? Nothing
other than those required to take the plunge and be published in any way. It
does take passion, effort, and quite a lot of determination. What makes it
better? The community, of course! Meeting amazing people every day, from
authors and readers to editors and cover designers, models and photographers
and… in some cases porn stars! Yup, that happens.
So a quick conclusion after about a year and a half where
I’ve published three novels, a novella, and a few shorts? Totally worth it! In many,
many different ways than I’ve originally imagined. So join the team, we want
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